Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi 2024-04-01T17:29:25+07:00 admin Open Journal Systems <p>In reference to the issuance of the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 45/E/0/2021 concerning the approval for the merger of Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Subang in Kabupaten Subang, <strong>Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer</strong> <strong>(STMIK)</strong> Subang in Kabupaten Subang, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Kridatama in Bandung City, and Politeknik Kridatama in Bandung City, organized by the Lembaga Pendidikan Yudistira Foundation into an <strong>Universitas Mandiri.</strong></p> <p><strong>Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer</strong> <strong>(STMIK)</strong> Subang is as a result of this designated as the <strong>Fakultas Teknik</strong> at <strong>Universitas Mandiri</strong>. The <strong>Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi</strong> will persist and be administered under the review of the <strong>Fakultas Teknik</strong> at <strong>Universitas Mandiri</strong>.</p> <p>The <strong>Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikas</strong>i is a scholarly journal dedicated to the progression of Technology and Computer Science, along with other associated fields.</p> <p>Editors extend an invitation to professionals globally from the realms of business, education, and research to actively contribute to advancing scientific knowledge in the domains of Technology and Computer Science.</p> <p>The<strong> Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi</strong> is issued two times a year in <strong>April</strong> and <strong>October.</strong></p> SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN PENENTUAN STATUS GIZI BALITA PADA DINAS KESEHATAN KABUPATEN ALOR MENGGUNAKAN ALGORITMA C4.5 2024-03-10T11:20:58+07:00 Jon Idrison Molina Lasarus Pelipus Malese <p>Assessment of nutritional status plays a very important role in monitoring children's nutrition. If the assessment of nutritional status is carried out correctly and accurately, signs or symptoms of impaired growth and development in children can be identified early so that mitigation and prevention can be carried out in an effort to improve the nutritional status of children under five. And the occurrence of nutritional problems can be minimized. For this reason, determining the nutritional status of toddlers must be done quickly and accurately. Puskesmas as the technical implementer of the Health Service, has the main task of collecting data and assessing the nutritional status of toddlers and submitting the results of the assessment to the Health Service. The determination of nutritional status that has been carried out is by looking at and calculating the standard anthropometric table for assessing the nutritional status of toddlers according to the Decree. Minister of Health Number: 1995/Menkes/SK/XII/2010. However, Puskesmas are often slow in treating large numbers of patients and also have limited resources, especially in areas where there is a shortage of medical personnel. So this also influences the results of the assessment of determining the nutritional status of toddlers. For this reason, the Health Service needs to provide an optimal method for determining the nutritional status of toddlers to be used by Community Health Centers to determine the nutritional status of toddlers quickly, precisely and accurately. So researchers have conducted research and produced a decision support system for determining nutritional status in toddlers using the C4.5 algorithm. Test results to measure algorithm performance using the Confusion Matrix, Accuracy, Precision and Recall testing method, it is known that the C4.5 algorithm has an accuracy value of 72.13 %, Precision value 71.43% and Recall value 22.73%</p> <p>Keywords : Decision Support, Nutritional Status, Toddlers, C4.5 Algorithm</p> 2024-04-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jon Idrison Molina, Lasarus Pelipus Malese IMPLEMENTASI SISTEM PRESENSI BERBASIS IOT (INTERNET OF THINGS) MENGGUNAKAN PLATFORM BLYNK DI SMK CENDIKIA RANCAKALONG 2024-03-15T20:55:25+07:00 Jupriyanto Jupriyanto Lutfi Maulana Kodar Udoyono Eka Permana <p>An IoT (Internet of Things) based attendance system using the Blynk Platform with NodeMCU and ESP32-CAM is a teacher attendance management and monitoring system. This system combines Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology for time and attendance detection, NodeMCU and ESP32-CAM microcontroller hardware for data processing, and a MySQL database for storage and management of time and attendance data. Using an RFID card, teachers can easily record attendance via a reader connected to the NodeMCU, and the ESP32-CAM provides the ability to capture facial images as an additional verification step. Attendance data is stored in a MySQL database in a structured manner, enabling efficient data management and accurate attendance reporting.</p> 2024-04-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jupriyanto,Lutfi Maulana, Kodar Udoyono, Eka Permana SISTEM CERDAS PENGURAS AIR AKUARIUM SECARA OTOMATIS BERBASIS INTERNET oF THINGS (IoT) MENGGUNAKAN ALGORITMA C4.5 pada PLATFORM BLYNK 2024-03-13T14:14:00+07:00 Muhamad Wilvan Nurhakim Anderias Eko Wijaya Rian Hermawan <p>In general, fishkeeping has been a widely cherished activity among communities since ancient times, owing to its ease of maintenance and care, which encourages many individuals to engage in it. However, due to busy schedules or unforeseen circumstances, checking the water conditions in aquariums often poses a challenge. Therefore, there is a need for a tool capable of automatically controlling and draining aquarium water based on IoT technology using the C4.5 algorithm on the Blynk platform. This system can drain water if the aquarium water becomes cloudy, raise the temperature if it drops below optimal levels, and limit water filling. The ESP8266 and ESP32-S modules are utilized to receive, process, and transmit data to the aquarium owner via Wi-Fi. Relays serve as electrical power distributors for supporting components such as water pumps, water heaters, and solenoid valves. Testing results indicate that the water condition control component effectively operates in line with the system's functions and objectives. The existence of this tool can assist fishkeepers in maintaining real-time aquarium water quality, detecting water pollution, and monitoring the health of fish within the aquarium.</p> 2024-04-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhamad Wilvan Nurhakim, Anderias Eko Wijaya, Rian Hermawan Teknik RANCANG BANGUN JEMURAN PAKAIAN PINTAR BERBASIS IOT MENGGUNAKAN PLATFORM THINKSPEAK 2024-03-10T11:24:55+07:00 Timbo Faritcan Parlaungan Siallagan Fiky Faelasivah Sellyna Anestasya S <p><em>Human dependence on the sun's heat to dry clothes cannot be abandoned, because there are no tools and technology yet. The global warming that is currently happening causes the season in Indonesia to be erratic, so that the dry season and rainy season can no longer be predicted. The purpose of this research is to design an IOT-based clothesline system in drying clothes efficiently by sorting by weather. The design of this clothesline problem uses Arduino Uno as a data processor, LDR sensor and Rain sensor as parameters to detect weather. The results of the sensor are sent via the ESP8266 module to the Thingspeak platform to be displayed on the system. The function of this design system is that the servo will automatically open and close according to the weather inputted by the light and rain sensors.</em></p> 2024-04-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Timbo Faritcan Parlaungan Siallagan SISTEM INFORMASI TUNJANGAN PENDAPATAN KEPEGAWAI DI KANTOR KECAMATAN MENGGUNAKAN FRAMEWORK CODEIGNITER 2024-03-10T11:26:14+07:00 Rima Selviani Haris Nizhomul Haq Dicky Iskandar Sobari <p><em>In the current era of technological advancements, the demand for information has significantly risen across various facets of life. The Employee Income Allowance Information System (TPP) implemented at the Subang Sub-District Office encompasses comprehensive data, including employee profiles, attendance records, TPP reports, and employee assessments. This system facilitates employees in efficiently accessing and reviewing attendance and TPP report data. The implementation is carried out using CodeIgniter, PHP, and MySQL technologies.</em></p> 2024-04-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rima Selviani, Haris Nizhomul Haq, Dicky Iskandar Sobari